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Garrett Strang
c/o Image Studios Productions
9717 Connecticut Ave.
Kensington, Md. 20895

Te: 301.793-7698
Tel: 301.907.9008












About the team…

Producer/Director/ Photographer, Garrett Strang brings strong visual creativity and solid production skills to the table. ISI works closely with its clients to find the creative solution through its work, producing highly acclaimed films that enlighten audiences.

Garrett produced When Lupus Awakens and received the Telly Award. One Step Ahead, part of a ten-part series created for the World Health Organization, was recognized with a New York International Film Festival Award for its look at research in keeping humanity one step ahead of a catastrophic epidemic- the spread of disease with antibiotics. Shot on (4) locations, Body Armor was filmed in 16 mm and used (18) SAG actors and actresses. Created as a result of a Congressional mandate on AIDS in the military and sponsored by the Henry M. Jackson Foundation, it received the CINDY Award. The Art of 21st Century Medicine won the prestigious Jade Award of Excellence for a CD program featuring Dr. Francis Collins of the Human Genome Project at NIH. Recently, their PSA Someone You Know Has Lupus won the Gold Aurora Award, and Cine Award.

More about Producer/Director, Garrett Strang

Garrett has an extensive education in the arts and media, and photography with a Masters in Fine Arts Degree from the University of Georgia, and has earned a reputation as an award-winning producer and director. He has directed film crews in many parts of the world to include: Africa, the Philippines, Pakistan, Thailand, Europe, Central America, and the U.S. He has traveled extensively to South America to document several different practices in the surviving cultures of the indigenous peoples. Most recently, he spent a month on expedition in the remote Pantiacolla region of Peru filming the Quest for Paittii, an Explorer’s Club Flag expedition.

Garrett’s talent is reflected in the diversity of productions that look at global issues.
Portraits of Life, a cross-cultural look at living with diabetes, was filmed on location in Pakistan, Norway, Mexico and the U.S and was broadcast through CNN. Garrett went on to direct Caroline Kennedy in We the People, produced for cable release through CCA. The Great Depression, a docu-drama with literary re-creations of famous books was distributed nationally through public schools by Literacy 2000. In addition Permanent museum installations are housed at the National Zoo’s Think Tank in Washington, D.C namely Social Strategies and Relative Brain Size; In the Discovery Falls area of the Tennessee Aquarium, you’ll find ISI’s, Reading A Trout Stream, Ephemeral Pools and the Life of a Salamander; and at the National Museum of American Art where the exhibit’s video, Land and Landscapes: Views of America's History and Culture, was recognized with the Chris Award at the Columbia International Film & Video Festival.

Most recently, Coral Reefs: Protecting a Natural Resource was produced with funding from the United Nations Foundation to support the work of the International Coral Reef Action Network. Working with AJH Environmental Services, ISI is completing a CD project on the preservation of the coral reefs in the Red Sea, Philippines, Mexico, Hawaii, Australia, and Indian Ocean.